+1 778-755-6700 office@vortexpneumatics.com


An electrostatic precipitator is a type of filter (dry scrubber) that uses static electricity to remove soot and ash from exhaust fumes before they exit the smokestacks. This one common air pollution control device. Most power stations burn fossil fuels such as coal or oil to generate electricity for use. When these fuels undergo combustion, smoke is produced. Smoke consists of tiny particles of soot that are suspended in hot, rising air. These unburned particles of carbon are pulled out of the smoke by using static electricity in the precipitators, leaving clean, hot air to escape the smokestacks. It is vital to remove this unreacted carbon from the smoke, as it can damage buildings and harm human health – especially respiratory health.
Vortex can bring together the civil, structural and mechanical requirements for even the most complex emissions system installations.

Dry Precipitators

Dry electrostatic precipitators are used to capture particles in dry product streams. They use periodic rapping to separate the accumulated dust from the collector plates and discharge electrodes. The dust layer (released by rapping) is collected in a hopper and then removed by an ash handling system. Typically, rapping will also project some of these particles (around 10-15 percent) back into the gas stream (known as re-entrainment). Dry electrostatic precipitators are often not suitable for submicron particulate applications because of particle size, resistivity, and other issues.

Wet Electrostatic Precipitators

Wet electrostatic precipitators (WESPs) were first developed in 1907 and can be used to control particulate matter, acid mists, metals, mercury, etc. They consist of a high voltage generator that applies a direct current to field plates, which is then discharged onto a positively charged electrode and the resulting ion air stream. This technology represents an affordable alternative to existing technologies when used in conjunction with other polishing devices such as dry and wet electrostatic precipitators and bag filters.

Custom Quench Duct and Piping

At the custom shop Vortex can custom fabricate a wide range of custom quench pipes with access doors and nozzle locations to suit most project configurations.