Since its foundation, Vortex Pneumatics has been crucial in creating efficient systems. Our teams know our people are our strength. We have made it our personal objective to make safety our first and foremost area of importacnce that we take very seriously.
Defining our Company Culture
Vortex company culture begins with a mission guided by vision and values. The Vortex management team is committed to investing time and money to promote safe behavior.
Developed Accountability
Engaging our crews with team building activities and utilizing key performance indicators to generate opportunities for rewards.
Standards and Procedures
Utilizing up to date technology and standards and safe work practices reinforce safe behavior.
Creating the Environment
Providing safe tools, equipment and materials provide for a safe working environment for vortex teams.
COR Certified
The Certificate of Recognition (COR™) is a voluntary incentive program that has recognized Vortex Pneumatics for developing and implementing a health and safety and injury management systems that meet an industry standard. The program reinforces our strategic approach to workplace safety and demonstrates our commitment to reduce both the human and financial costs of workplace injuries.