+1 778-755-6700 office@vortexpneumatics.com


Combustible dust is a serious concern for sawmills and planer mills—with dangerous consequences if not managed properly. Created as a byproduct of the manufacturing process, dust can not only cause health issues but can be an explosion hazard. Air systems must meet the requirements of NFPA Sections 68, 69, 77, 91, 499, 654 & 644. In addition, environmental compliance is a must for these mills.

Improve Your Plant Efficiency

Wood dust and chips are hard on equipment. And burn easily. You need an industrial wood dust collector that doesn’t leave hazard-causing particulate behind yet stands up to wood’s abrasive characteristics. Vortex dust collectors are built tough with higher-gauge materials than what comes standard on other equipment. That means you can rely on your industrial wood dust collector and ductwork to last while working efficiently to keep housekeeping at a minimum.Vortex can develop a ministry of environment ready best available technologies (BAT) report for you.

Adding a Baghouse can Save Operating Costs

When a dust collector is designed to recirculate heated or cooled air back through the plant, the cost to replace that conditioned air is eliminated — an expense that can be substantial.Dust collecting systems for welding shops with high ceilings can often improve the efficiency of a heating system by taking hot air off the ceiling and delivering it at ground level.Vortex can evaluate your unique system and provide effective solutions.